The story starts with you reading a paper which reads the following: “Woke up on beach next to a stone box with set of odd carvings. Arm broken but otherwise, aside from bad headache, I’m ok. Stone box seemed to come alive when I touched it. Can’t get it open. Keep thinking I’m hearing voices”. As you can see the story is pretty mysterious, so if you like mystery this could be the right game for you.
So, what is this game about? Let’s try to answer that question. Mystery of Shark Island is a searching and finding game, meaning that you have to search for certain items and find them in order to progress in the game. In this case, the scenario is a sea shore and the waves coming forward and backward. Each wave will bring some valuable items and junk, all together and mixed up. Your goal is to find in the mess the items the game requests to you, by graphically listing them on the bottom of your screen. There’s a time limit between two waves so you have to hurry up and find the items.
Each level has a score goal you need to reach in order to pass. Each time you find and collect a requested item you score points. Keep doing it until you reach the score goal and pass the level.
When you first enter the game, you’ll be asked for a player name and then you’ll get to the main menu with the following options on it:
- Change Player: the first time there’s no existing player. After you create one or more, they’ll be saved. When you enter into this submenu, you’ll be asked for a name as a new player. It’s possible to have a list of different players and record their performance. This way, you can play home tournaments with family and friends.
- Story Mode: this option leads you to the game introduction. After that you’ll be playing the first level.
- Arcade Mode: this option lets you play the game without any story going on.
- Options: this is the menu from which you can set some game options like sound volume, music volume, and full screen.
- Help: to see an instructions screen to learn the basics.
- Medals: displays the medals you’ve won in the game.
- High Scores and Quit: no further explanation required.
While you’re playing the game, you can always click on the Pause button to see a submenu with the following options on it:
- Options: to open the options menu commented before.
- Help: to see the instructions.
- Quit: to close the application.
- Continue: to go back to the game.
You can try this game for 60 minutes before you buy the licensed version. If you like it, you can buy this game for only 19.95 dollars, right from the Oberon Media Game Center, on the Web.
About the system requirements, is not that big computer that you need to run this game. Take a look to the list:
• O/S: Windows® SE/2000/XP (does not officially support Windows NT)
• Processor: Pentium® III 700 MHz
• RAM: 128 MB
• Min Screen Resolution: 800x600
• Sound Card: recommended
• DirectX® Version: DirectX 7.0